This post will be in portuguese because I don't think any of you out there would come... so... (not that I didn't want to! If any of you are comming to Portugal, let us know!) ^^
Então é assim meus amores, estão todas/os convidadas/os! A ideia é organizar um almoço ou um lanchinho de "bloggers" para nos conhecermos (quem ainda não se conhece) e conviver um bocadinho, já que o tempo parece estar numa de ajudar... Agora só preciso e ideias! Almoço? Lanche? Piquenique? Sábado? Domingo? Quando? Onde? A que horas? Quem vem??? Toca a comentar, a sugerir e a reenviar o link do post a toda a gente!
For now is just me (but I want to be with you so much, you know...) It was nice (not nice, great!) to start there with you. I'm happy. You make me happy. You make me the happiest girl on Earth! Just wanted to be on holiday this week with you... Spring is finally here and we could go for walks and eat icecreams and... (Wake up you! You have to work now!!!) God... bah!
Cupcakes my baby decorated to celebrate the new house... ^^ love you!!! (later posting the "tea in bed", with "I love you" bread... hihi love you so much! You are the sweetest boyfriend on Earth and the best thing that ever happened to me!)
(oh, and thak God I stoped with the "Diazepam" or else I couldn't have eaten that much...)
Last week I was about to write a post about hypocrit people, but then you made me realize they don't even deserve that from me. Thank you my love. I already have what makes me happy: YOU. That's a lot more than some people can say... .love you.
ele - Esta é a parte que custa mais... eu - Levantar da cama?! ele - Não. Levar com o sol na tromba...
him - This is the hardest part... me - What? Getting up? him - No... taking the sun "on the snout"...
(I know those are'n us honey, but we don't have a pic anything looked like that so... I guess this one will stay, (stolen from the same place as always) 'till we have one of ourselfs... ;p )
I'm leaving. I'm finally leaving "home". (it never felt like home there anyway) it's sad. But I'm leaving now. Like next week. In a rush, yeah... Haven't told her yet. Don't really care. (not about her, about not telling yet). I want more. I won't give up. But now I'm not playing big, I just need to get out.
You know, one day you start thinking: One day 'll be dead, Six feet under, Cremated, in a fucking vault, whatever... And then what? What have you done with your life? "Work hard, consume, and die"?! No, not me. I wanna live. Be happy. Make my dreams come true, or at least die trying. So, about the post below, If I don't do what I want right now ("hurting" others or not) it just won't be worth it, and I'd better just kill myself right now.
Don't worry, I won't. I'll keep on dreaming, and trying, like forever.
Alguém sabe de um T0 baratinho entre Torres Vedras e Lisboa? Não preciso de muita coisa, água canalizada dava jeito e já agora que não tenha ratos nem baratas. Com o resto acho que me arranjo... É mesmo muito urgente, nem que fosse só por um mês ou dois. Não é uma questão de vida ou morte, mas é uma questão de sanidade ou insanidade. Mesmo.
Please, help... I'm (so) going totaly nuts...
Se souberem de alguém que tenha sequer um quarto para alugar ou assim... é só mesmo 1 mês, 1 mês e meio, depois arranjo-me... mas estou mesmo, mesmo a desesperar!